Language Pathways

Speech Language Learning Systems, Inc. has acquired Language Pathways Inc. product line

On September 30, 2018, Speech Language Learning Systems, Inc. acquired the product lines of Language Pathways Inc.
We invite you to continue to purchase Language Pathways Inc. products at or by phone at 636-537-1576 ext. 10. Purchase orders should be mailed to Speech Language Learning Systems, Inc., 16100 Chesterfield Parkway West, Suite 270, Chesterfield, Missouri 63017 or faxed to (636) 537-4082.

All orders, regardless of how they are made, will be processed by Speech Language Learning Systems, Inc. As such, please make all orders, purchase orders, and payments to Speech Language Learning Systems, Inc.

For students who experience challenges in the regular classroom setting, the use of visual organizers can be a successful learning strategy for the following reasons:

  • VISUAL ORGANIZERS provide students with a tool to facilitate listening and reading comprehension as well as oral and written expression.
  • VISUAL ORGANIZERS reduce the complexity of ideas to increase understanding.
  • VISUAL ORGANIZERS offer an additional modality to assist students in processing information and demonstrate understanding through oral and written expression.
  • VISUAL ORGANIZERS limit the initial presentation of information to the most relevant and meaningful concepts, establishing a foundation that is well understood and therefore retained; a foundation more easily built upon for consolidation of new information.
  • VISUAL ORGANIZERS reduce the simultaneous processing demands required when producing written work.  Utilizing the organizer to retrieve content gives students greater opportunity to focus on sentence complexity, as well as the conventions of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.

The visual organizers in the Pathways for Learning series make the organizational patterns of classroom content more visually explicit and can improve learning not only for the child with identified learning style differences, but for all students within the classroom setting.